Module gtkindiclient :: Class _togglebuttonshandler
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Class _togglebuttonshandler

               indi_vector_identifier --+    
_blocking_indi_object_handler --+       |    
                                |       |    
          gui_indi_object_handler --+   |    
                                    |   |    
          _gtkindi_widgetlist_handler --+    
       _gtkindi_widgetlist_vector_handler --+

A handler for an indiswitchvector object connected a list of GTK.ToggleButton objects. The togglebuttons are set active or inactive according to the states of the indiswitch objects.Objects are associated by thier indices in widgetlist and indivector.elements.
Method Summary
  __init__(self, devicename, vectorname, widgetlist)
NoneType on_blocked(self, *args)
The method _blocking_on_gui_changed is called by the GUI, in order to inform us, that a widget has changed.
  on_gui_changed(self, widget, event)
  on_indiobject_changed(self, vector)
NoneType update_indi_vector(self, vector)
Called when the widget has changed and the INDI vector needs to be updated
    Inherited from _gtkindi_widgetlist_vector_handler
indivector get_vector(self)
Returns the indivector this handler is associated with.
    Inherited from _gtkindi_widgetlist_handler
NoneType set_bidirectional(self)
installs callbacks of the GUI that will call the function _blocking_on_gui_changed if the user changes the the GUI object associated with this gui_indi_object_handler .
NoneType unset_bidirectional(self)
uninstalls the GUI callback installed with set_bidirectional (see set_bidirectional for details)
    Inherited from gui_indi_object_handler
NoneType _blocking_on_gui_changed(self, *args)
Called by the GUI whenever the widget associated with this handler has changed.
    Inherited from _blocking_indi_object_handler
NoneType _block(self)
activates the block.
BooleanType _is_blocked(self)
Return True if blocked , False otherwise
NoneType _unblock(self)
releases the block.
NoneType configure(self, *args)
This method will be called at least once by indiclient.
NoneType indi_object_change_notify(self, *args)
This method activates the block, calls the method on_indiobject_changed (It is called by bigindiclient.process_events each time an INDI object has been received)

Instance Variable Summary
List of Gtk.ToggleButton widgetlist: The list of togglebuttons
    Inherited from _blocking_indi_object_handler
IntType _blocked: A counter incremented each time the _block method is called and decremented by _unblock, >0 means blocked, ==0 mean unblocked
    Inherited from indi_vector_identifier
StringType devicename: The name of the device contaning the vector to be uniquely identifyed by this object
StringType vectorname: The name of the indivector to be uniquely identifyed by this object

Method Details

__init__(self, devicename, vectorname, widgetlist)

devicename - The name of the device
vectorname - The name of the INDIVector
widgetlist - The list of togglebuttons
           (type=List of Gtk.ToggleButton)

on_blocked(self, *args)

The method _blocking_on_gui_changed is called by the GUI, in order to inform us, that a widget has changed. If the blocked property is True, when _blocking_on_gui_changed is called by the GUI. This method (on_blocked) is called and nothing else done. The blocked property is True while the on_indiobject_changed function is running, so and indiobject has been received from the server and on_indiobject_changed is currently changing the widget associated with it. So there is a question: Was _blocking_on_gui_changed called by the GUI? because on_indiobject_changed changed the widget or was it called because the user changed something? Well, we don't know! And this is bad. Because if on_indiobject_changed did it and we send the new state to the server, the server will reply, which will in turn trigger on_indiobject_changed which will cause the GUI to emit another _blocking_on_gui_changed signal and finally call on_blocked. This way we have generated a nasty loopback. But if we don't send the new state to the server and the change was caused by the user, the user will see the widget in the new state, but the server will not know about it, so the user has got another idea of the status of the system than the server and this is also quite dangerous. For the moment we print a warning and send the signal to the server, so we use the solution that might cause a loopback, but we make sure that the GUI and the server have got the same information about the status of the devices. One possible solution to this problem that causes neither of the problems is implemented in the gtkindiclient._comboboxentryhandler class. We do no send the new state to the server. But we load the latest state we received from the server and set the gui to this state. So the user might have clicked at a GUI element, and it might not have changed in the proper way. We tested this for the combobox and the togglebutton and it worked.
args - The arguments describing the change of the GUI object(s)
indiclient.gui_indi_object_handler.on_blocked (inherited documentation)

update_indi_vector(self, vector)

Called when the widget has changed and the INDI vector needs to be updated
vector - the indivector to update
gtkindiclient._gtkindi_widgetlist_vector_handler.update_indi_vector (inherited documentation)

Instance Variable Details


The list of togglebuttons
List of Gtk.ToggleButton

Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Sat Sep 10 10:26:06 2005