Module indiclient :: Class inditextvector
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Class inditextvector

 indiobject --+        
indinamedobject --+    
         indivector --+

A vector of texts
Method Summary
    Inherited from indivector
  __init__(self, attrs, tag)
indielement get_element(self, elementname)
Returns an element on this vector matching a given name.
indielement get_first_element(self)
Returns the first element on this vector.
indilight get_light(self)
Returns the indilight of the vector
indimessage get_message(self)
Return the indimessage associated with the vector, if there is any, None otherwise
indipermissions get_permissions(self)
Returns the read/write permission of the vector
StringType get_xml(self, transfertype)
Returns an XML representation of the object
NoneType tell(self)
" Prints the most important parameters of the vector and its elements.
NoneType update(self, attrs, tag)
Update this element with data received form the XML Parser.
NoneType wait_for_ok(self)
Wait until its state is Ok.
NoneType wait_for_ok_timeout(self, timeout)
Return None
    Inherited from indiobject
BooleanType is_valid(self)
Checks whether the object is valid.

Instance Variable Summary
    Inherited from indivector
StringType device: The INDI device the vector belongs to
list of indielement elements: The list of indielement objects contained in the vector
StringType group: The INDI group the vector belongs to
StringType host: The hostname of the server that send the vector
IntType port: The port on which the server send the vector
StringType timeout: The timeout value.
StringType timestamp: The time when the vector was send out by the INDI server.
    Inherited from indinamedobject
StringType label: label of the INDI object as given in the "label" XML attribute
StringType name: name of the INDI object as given in the "name" XML attribute
    Inherited from indiobject
indixmltag tag: The XML tag of the INDI object (see indixmltag).

Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Sat Sep 10 10:26:05 2005