Module indiclient :: Class _indinameconventions
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Class _indinameconventions

Known Subclasses:
indixmltag, _indiobjectfactory, _inditagfactory

The INDI naming scheme.
Method Summary
StringType _get_defelementtag(self, basename)
Return xml tag of an element that is send by the server when an IDDef* function is called on vector which contains the element (like defText).
StringType _get_defvectortag(self, basename)
Return xml tag of a vector that is send by the server when an IDDef* function is called(like defTextVector).
StringType _get_element_repr(self, basename)
Return printable representation of the type of the element .
StringType _get_message_tag(self)
Return xml tag of an INDI message.
StringType _get_newelementtag(self, basename)
Return xml tag of an element that is send by the client (like oneText).
StringType _get_newvectortag(self, basename)
Return xml tag of a vector that is send by the client (like newTextVector).
StringType _get_setelementtag(self, basename)
Return xml tag of an element that is send by the server when an IDSet* function is called on vector which contains the element (like oneText).
StringType _get_setvectortag(self, basename)
Return xml tag of a vector that is send by the server when am IDSet* function is called (like setTextVector).
StringType _get_vector_repr(self, basename)
Return printable representation of the type of the vector .

Instance Variable Summary
list of StringType basenames: The possible "Basenames" of an indiobject ["Text","Switch","Number","BLOB","Light"]

Method Details

_get_defelementtag(self, basename)

basename - The basename of the tag see (basenames)
xml tag of an element that is send by the server when an IDDef* function is called on vector which contains the element (like defText).

_get_defvectortag(self, basename)

basename - The basename of the tag see (basenames)
xml tag of a vector that is send by the server when an IDDef* function is called(like defTextVector).

_get_element_repr(self, basename)

basename - The basename of the tag see (basenames)
printable representation of the type of the element .


xml tag of an INDI message.

_get_newelementtag(self, basename)

basename - The basename of the tag see (basenames)
xml tag of an element that is send by the client (like oneText).

_get_newvectortag(self, basename)

basename - The basename of the tag see (basenames)
xml tag of a vector that is send by the client (like newTextVector).

_get_setelementtag(self, basename)

basename - The basename of the tag see (basenames)
xml tag of an element that is send by the server when an IDSet* function is called on vector which contains the element (like oneText).

_get_setvectortag(self, basename)

basename - The basename of the tag see (basenames)
xml tag of a vector that is send by the server when am IDSet* function is called (like setTextVector).

_get_vector_repr(self, basename)

basename - The basename of the tag see (basenames)
printable representation of the type of the vector .

Instance Variable Details


The possible "Basenames" of an indiobject ["Text","Switch","Number","BLOB","Light"]
list of StringType

Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Sat Sep 10 10:26:03 2005