Module indiclient :: Class indixmltag
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Class indixmltag

_indinameconventions --+

Classifys a received INDI object by its tag. Provides functions to generate different versions of the tag for different ways of sending it (see inditransfertype).
Method Summary
  __init__(self, is_vector, is_element, is_message, index, transfertype)
IntType get_index(self)
Return the index of the basename of the object, in the basenames list
StringType get_initial_tag(self)
Return a sting representing the tag specified by the parameters given to the initialiser
inditransfertype get_transfertype(self)
Return the way the object has been transferred
StringType get_type(self)
Returns a string representing the type of the object denoted by this tag (like TextVector or Number).
StringType get_xml(self, transfertype)
Returns the string the be used in the tags in the XML representation of the object (like defTextVector or oneSwitch or newLightVector).
BooleanType is_element(self)
Return True, if it denotes an element, False otherwise
BooleanType is_message(self)
Return True, if it denotes a message, False otherwise
BooleanType is_vector(self)
Return True, if it denotes vector, False otherwise
    Inherited from _indinameconventions
StringType _get_defelementtag(self, basename)
Return xml tag of an element that is send by the server when an IDDef* function is called on vector which contains the element (like defText).
StringType _get_defvectortag(self, basename)
Return xml tag of a vector that is send by the server when an IDDef* function is called(like defTextVector).
StringType _get_element_repr(self, basename)
Return printable representation of the type of the element .
StringType _get_message_tag(self)
Return xml tag of an INDI message.
StringType _get_newelementtag(self, basename)
Return xml tag of an element that is send by the client (like oneText).
StringType _get_newvectortag(self, basename)
Return xml tag of a vector that is send by the client (like newTextVector).
StringType _get_setelementtag(self, basename)
Return xml tag of an element that is send by the server when an IDSet* function is called on vector which contains the element (like oneText).
StringType _get_setvectortag(self, basename)
Return xml tag of a vector that is send by the server when am IDSet* function is called (like setTextVector).
StringType _get_vector_repr(self, basename)
Return printable representation of the type of the vector .

Instance Variable Summary
IntType _index: The index of the basename of the object, in the basenames list
BooleanType _is_element: True if the tag denotes an indielement, False otherwise
BooleanType _is_message: True if the tag denotes an indimessage, False otherwise
BooleanType _is_vector: True if the tag denotes an indivector, False otherwise
inditransfertype _transfertype: the way the object has been transferred (see inditransfertype).
    Inherited from _indinameconventions
list of StringType basenames: The possible "Basenames" of an indiobject ["Text","Switch","Number","BLOB","Light"]

Method Details

__init__(self, is_vector, is_element, is_message, index, transfertype)

is_vector - True if the tag shall denote an indivector, False otherwise
is_element - True if the tag shall denote an indielement, False otherwise
is_message - True if the tag shall denote an indimessage, False otherwise
index - The index of the basename of the object, in the basenames list
transfertype - the way the object has been transferred (see inditransfertype).


The index of the basename of the object, in the basenames list


A sting representing the tag specified by the parameters given to the initialiser


The way the object has been transferred


Returns a string representing the type of the object denoted by this tag (like TextVector or Number).
a string representing the type of the object denoted by this tag (like TextVector or Number).

get_xml(self, transfertype)

Returns the string the be used in the tags in the XML representation of the object (like defTextVector or oneSwitch or newLightVector).
transfertype - An object describing the way the generated XML data is going to be sent (see inditransfertype).
An XML representation of the object


True, if it denotes an element, False otherwise


True, if it denotes a message, False otherwise


True, if it denotes vector, False otherwise

Instance Variable Details


The index of the basename of the object, in the basenames list


True if the tag denotes an indielement, False otherwise


True if the tag denotes an indimessage, False otherwise


True if the tag denotes an indivector, False otherwise


the way the object has been transferred (see inditransfertype).

Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Sat Sep 10 10:26:04 2005