Module indiclient :: Class indilight
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Class indilight

 indiobject --+        
indinamedobject --+    
        indielement --+

a status light
Method Summary
  __init__(self, attrs, tag)
BooleanType is_alert(self)
Return True if the light indicates the Alertstate (device is responding, but at least one function does not work at the moment) False otherwise
BooleanType is_busy(self)
Return True if the light indicates the Busy state (device is currently busy doing something, and not ready to do anything else) , False otherwise
BooleanType is_idle(self)
Return True if the light indicates the Idle state (device is currently not connected or unreachable) , False otherwise
BooleanType is_ok(self)
Return True if the light indicates the Ok state (device is ready to do something), False otherwise
NoneType set_text(self, text)
Return None
NoneType update(self, attrs, tag)
Update this element with data received form the XML Parser.
NoneType _set_value(self, value)
Sets the value variable of this object.
    Inherited from indielement
StringType get_text(self)
Return a string representation of it value
StringType get_xml(self, transfertype)
Returns an XML representation of the object
NoneType set_float(self, num)
Return None
NoneType tell(self)
Prints all parameters of the object
BooleanType _get_changed(self)
Return True if the objects XML data was changed since the last _get_changed was called, False otherwise.
    Inherited from indiobject
BooleanType is_valid(self)
Checks whether the object is valid.
NoneType _check_writeable(self)
Raises an exception if the object is not writable

Instance Variable Summary
StringType _value: The overall operating state of the device.
    Inherited from indielement
StringType _old_value: The old value of the object, the value it had when _get_changed was called last time.
    Inherited from indinamedobject
StringType label: label of the INDI object as given in the "label" XML attribute
StringType name: name of the INDI object as given in the "name" XML attribute
    Inherited from indiobject
indixmltag tag: The XML tag of the INDI object (see indixmltag).

Method Details

__init__(self, attrs, tag)

attrs - The attributes of the XML version of the INDI object.
tag - The XML tag of the object (see indixmltag).
indiclient.indielement.__init__ (inherited documentation)


True if the light indicates the Alertstate (device is responding, but at least one function does not work at the moment) False otherwise


True if the light indicates the Busy state (device is currently busy doing something, and not ready to do anything else) , False otherwise


True if the light indicates the Idle state (device is currently not connected or unreachable) , False otherwise


True if the light indicates the Ok state (device is ready to do something), False otherwise

set_text(self, text)

text - A string representation of the data to be written into the object.
indiclient.indielement.set_text (inherited documentation)

update(self, attrs, tag)

Update this element with data received form the XML Parser.
attrs - The attributes of the XML version of the INDI object.
tag - The XML tag of the object (see indixmltag).
indiclient.indiobject.update (inherited documentation)

_set_value(self, value)

Sets the value variable of this object.
value - A string to be copied into the _value.
indiclient.indielement._set_value (inherited documentation)

Instance Variable Details


The overall operating state of the device. possible values are:
  • Idle (device is currently not connected or unreachable)
  • Ok (device is ready to do something)
  • Busy (device is currently busy doing something, and not ready to do anything else)
  • Alert (device is responding, but at least one function does not work at the moment)

Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Sat Sep 10 10:26:05 2005